Because we know that it can be a little befuddling, we have set out below a guide to the various Cayman exempted company, limited liability company and exempted limited partnership registers in the context of a finance transaction. The first section is a summary of each register (what it does and when it is relevant) and the second section is more of a “choose your own structure” table, setting out the applicable registers in each case (divided into whether your transaction has (i) a Cayman borrower / pledgor / general partner / ultimate general partner, or (ii) a Cayman pledged entity). Although Cayman registers are obviously fantastically interesting, rather than being a fun chronological read-through we instead hope that this article can serve as a useful go-to guide for transactions involving Cayman entities. (We would also note that this is a look at the registers in the context of common commercial transactions, rather than setting out the obligations to maintain and update registers generally.)


  1. Register of Directors and Officers (ROD)

    • What does it do? Records the names and addresses of the directors and officers of the exempted company (and the date of appointment / resignation).
    • When is it relevant? If the exempted company is signing documents as a borrower, general partner (GP) or ultimate general partner (UGP), to ensure that the correct people / entities are signing the suite of documents (resolutions, certificates, transaction documents).
    • Should it be updated as part of the transaction? No.
  1. Register of Mortgages and Charges (ROMC)

    • What does it do? Records the security granted by the exempted company itself or any partnership for which is acts as GP (or UGP).
    • When is it relevant? If the exempted company (i) is granting security itself, or (ii) is acting as GP (or UGP) of a partnership that is granting security (including if it is acting as GP or UGP of a foreign partnership, subject to the laws of that foreign partnership). The ROMC will be reviewed prior to closing to ensure that security has not already been granted over the applicable assets.
    • Should it be updated as part of the transaction?  Yes. If the exempted company (i) is granting security itself, then the ROMC is required to be updated with the details of the new security, or (ii) is acting as GP / UPG of a partnership that is granting security, then it is advisable that the ROMC be updated with the details of the new security.
  1. Register of Members (ROM)

    • What does it do? Sets out the shareholders of the exempted company, including the date of becoming / ceasing to be a shareholder and number / class of shares owned. Under Cayman law, the register of members is generally definitive of share ownership.
    • When is it relevant? If the identity of the shareholders is relevant to the transaction, so (i) if shareholder resolutions are being signed (to confirm that the correct shareholders are signing), or (ii) if the shares of the exempted company itself are being secured (to ensure that the applicable shareholder does actually own the shares).
    • Should it be updated as part of the transaction? If security is being granted over the shares in the exempted company, then it is best practice for the ROM to be updated with an annotation noting that the shares are subject to security. The ROM will also be updated if the shareholding of the exempted company changes (e.g. if a golden share is being issued).


  1. Register of Managers (ROMAN)

    • What does it do? Records the details of the managers of the LLC (and the date of appointment / resignation).
    • When is it relevant? If the LLC is manager-managed (as determined by the terms of the LLC Agreement) and is signing documents as a borrower or GP (or UGP) of a partnership, to ensure that the correct people / entities are signing the various documents (resolutions, certificates, transaction documents).
    • Should it be updated as part of the transaction? No.
  1. Register of Members (ROM)

    • What does it do? Sets out the members of the LLC, including the date of becoming / ceasing to be a member.
    • When is it relevant? If the identity of the members is relevant to the transaction, so (i) if the LLC is member-managed (as determined by the terms of the LLC Agreement) and is signing documents as a borrower or GP (or UGP), to ensure that the correct people / entities are signing the various documents, or (ii) if the membership interests of the LLC are being secured (to ensure that the applicable member does actually hold the membership interests).
    • Should it be updated as part of the transaction? No.
  1. Register of Mortgages and Charges (ROMC)

    • What does it do? Records the security granted by the LLC itself or by any partnership for which it acts as GP (or UGP).
    • When is it relevant? If the LLC (i) is granting security itself, or (ii) is acting as GP (or UGP) of a partnership that is granting security (including if it is acting as GP or UGP of a foreign partnership, subject to the laws of that foreign partnership). The ROMC will be reviewed prior to closing to ensure that security has not already been granted over the applicable assets.
    • Should it be updated as part of the transaction? Yes. If the LLC (i) is granting security itself, then the ROMC is required to be updated with the details of the new security, or (ii) is acting as GP / UPG of a partnership that is granting security, then it is advisable that the ROMC be updated with the details of the new security.
  1. Register of Security Interests (ROSI)

    • What does it do? Records whether security has been granted by a member over its membership interest in an LLC.
    • When is it relevant? When the status of membership interests in the LLC are relevant to the transaction (e.g. if they are the subject of the security package).
    • Should it be updated as part of the transaction?  Yes, if security is being granted over a member’s membership interest in the LLC.


  1. Register of Partners and Register of Contributions (ROP / ROC)

    • What does it do? Sets out (i) the names and address of each limited partner and when it became / ceased to be a limited partner, and (ii) the amount and date of each partner’s contribution to the fund (and of any returns). These are technically two separate registers, but often provided together.
    • When is it relevant? When the limited partners and contributions to date are relevant to the transaction and security package. We would note that in subscription facilities, the commercial information provided by way of these registers has often already been provided to the lender in a separate form (such as through the subscription documentation and additional investor / fund information) and so the ROP / ROC are not always required as well (generally this is a deal specific point).
    • Should it be updated as part of the transaction? No.
  1. Register of Security Interests (ROSI)

    • What does it do? Records whether security has been granted by a limited partner over its interest in an ELP.
    • When is it relevant? When the status of limited partnership interests in the ELP are relevant to the transaction (e.g. if they are the subject of the security package). There is often discussion as to whether this register is relevant for subscription facilities, but given security is taken over unfunded commitments for such facilities (i.e. the investors would not have assigned / secured the obligation to make the contribution) then this is not always a due diligence step taken.
    • Should it be updated as part of the transaction?  Yes, if security is being granted over a limited partner’s interest in the ELP.

Entity structures and applicable Cayman registers – Borrowers / Pledgors / GP/ UGP

Borrower / Pledgor


Applicable Cayman registers

Cayman exempted limited partnership

Cayman exempted company

Partnership registers:

  • ·ROC / ROP (if applicable commercial information as to partners / contributions has not been separately provided to the lender – often deal specific).

Company registers (of GP or UGP):

  • ·ROMC – to confirm what security (if any) the Partnership (acting through the GP / UGP) and the GP / UGP itself (if applicable) has previously granted. Register to then be updated to reflect security granted pursuant to the current transaction.
  • ROD – to ensure that the correct people / entities are executing the applicable documents (board resolutions, certificates and transaction documents) as directors.

Cayman LLC

Partnership registers:

  • ·ROC / ROP (if applicable commercial information as to partners / contributions has not been separately provided to lender – often deal specific).

LLC registers (of GP or UGP):

  • ·ROMC – to confirm what security (if any) the Partnership (acting through the GP / UGP) and the GP / UGP itself (if applicable) has previously granted. Register to then be updated to reflect security granted pursuant to the current transaction.
  • ·If member managed: ROM – to ensure that the correct people / entities are executing the applicable documents (member resolutions, certificates and transaction documents) as members.
  • ·If manager managed: ROMAN – to ensure that the correct people / entities are executing the applicable documents (manager resolutions, certificates and transaction documents) as manager(s).

Foreign entity

Partnership registers:

  • ROC / ROP (if applicable commercial information as to partners / contributions has not been separately provided to lender – often deal specific)

GP / UGP registers: N/A

Foreign partnership

Cayman exempted company

Partnership registers: N/A

Company registers:

  • ROMC – to confirm what security (if any) the Partnership (acting through the GP / UGP) and the GP / UGP itself (if applicable) has previously granted. Register to then be updated to reflect security granted for the current transaction.
  • ·ROD – to ensure that the correct people / entities are executing the applicable documents (board resolutions, certificates and transaction documents) as directors.

Cayman LLC

Partnership registers: N/A

LLC registers (of GP or UGP):

  • ·ROMC – to confirm what security (if any) the Partnership (acting through the GP / UGP) and the GP / UGP itself (if applicable) has previously granted. Register to then be updated to reflect security granted pursuant to the current transaction.
  • ·If member managed: ROM – to ensure that the correct people / entities are executing the applicable documents (member resolutions, certificates and transaction documents) as members.
  • If manager managed: ROMAN – to ensure that the correct people / entities are executing the applicable documents (manager resolutions, certificates and transaction documents) as manager(s).

Foreign entity


Cayman exempted company


Company registers:

  • ROMC – to confirm what security (if any) the exempted company has previously granted. Register to then be updated to reflect security granted for the current transaction.
  • ROD – to ensure that the correct people / entities are executing the applicable documents (board resolutions, certificates and transaction documents) as directors.

Cayman LLC


LLC registers:

  • ·ROMC – to confirm what security (if any) the LLC has previously granted. Register to then be updated to reflect security granted pursuant to the current transaction.
  • If member managed: ROM – to ensure that the correct people / entities are executing the applicable documents (member resolutions, certificates and transaction documents) as member(s).
  • If manager managed: ROMAN – to ensure that the correct people / entities are executing the applicable documents (manager resolutions, certificates and transaction documents) as manager(s).

Entity structures and applicable Cayman registers – Cayman pledged entities

Pledged Entity


Cayman exempted company

  • ROM – to ensure that the pledgor does actually own the shares being secured. It is best practice for the ROM to then be updated with an annotation noting that the shares are subject to security.

Cayman LLC

  • ROM – to ensure that the pledgor does actually own the membership interests being secured.
  • ROSI – to ensure that the applicable membership interest is not currently subject to security. This register is then required to be updated to reflect the security granted over the membership interests pursuant to the current transaction.

Cayman exempted limited partnership

  • ·ROP / ROC – to ensure that the pledgor does actually own the partnership interests being secured.
  • ROSI – to ensure that the applicable partnership interest is not currently subject to security. This register is then required to be updated to reflect the security granted over the partnership interests pursuant to the current transaction.
AcronymRegistersRelevant types of entities
ROCRegister of ContributionsELP
RODRegister of Directors and OfficersExempted company
ROMRegister of MembersELP, LLC
ROMANRegister of ManagersLLC
ROMCRegister of Mortgages and ChargesExempted company, LLC
ROPRegister of PartnersELP
ROSIRegister of Security InterestsELP, LLC
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